If you ALREADY are an independent distributor within your geographic area carrying western wear style products, and count with the experience, the establishments of your own routes and wholesale commercial distribution channels among stores, malls, Flea markets, and departmental stores, please feel free to CONTACT US we have an ample line of products of easy positioning, with ample demand in the market and good income resource to reward your effort to collaborate with us, you are forward edge our “piteado” main sales force, and in loyal answer to that, we do protect and help you to the assignment of obtain sales rewards.
It expands your option of trade between your wholesale customers with a genuine product of ample value and great acceptance in the western wear market.
Your options of growth and consolidation with us are real. Because you are dealing directly with producing leaders in this kind of article originally embroidered with original cactus thread on genuine leather. we handled the best wholesales prices that means and publish generally in protection to all the commercial chain incubated around us and whom work directly with us, to those who previous agreement on basis of their characteristics and capacities is denoted to them protects and respects its Geographic area of distribution.
If in your routes of distribution there is stores asking for “piteados” articles please apply now, with the experience and time we have developed an attractive plan that help you to get real profits.      

*Have a valid driver's license.


*Two Proofs of address.


*Have a resale certificate from your county


*References of the others companies where you obtain your other products for resale.


*Photography’s of the other products that you take with you in your line of distribution.


*Photos of the vehicles with usually you develop your sales routes.


*Copies of your last declaration of taxes (income tax)


Copy of Banking account to personal name or business.


*Requirements necessary and useless to contact us without reuniting them at all.
Piteado's History
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Informative Documents
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Affiliate Program
Investors / IPO
Career Opportunity
Saddlers and Craftsmen
Independent Distributor
Suppliers Opportunity
Sale By Catalogue
bussinesopportunityboton.jpg supportpiteadoartboton.jpg virtualstoreboton.jpg homeinicioboton.jpg
Piteado's History
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Informative Documents
R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
whoweareboton.jpg sales%26servicesboton.jpg contacusbotosn.jpg shows%26fairsboton.jpg specials%26rebatesboton.jpg relativelinksboton.jpg
Affiliate Program
Investors / IPO
Career Opportunity
Saddlers and Craftsmen
Independent Distributor
Suppliers Opportunity
Sale By Catalogue
bussinesopportunityboton.jpg supportpiteadoartboton.jpg virtualstoreboton.jpg
Mex:01152+(229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (229 ) 934-1819    
U.S.A. 001+ (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
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R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
whoweareboton.jpg homeinicioboton.jpg
Piteado's History
Frecuent Ask Questions
Informative Documents
R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
whoweareboton.jpg sales%26servicesboton.jpg contacusbotosn.jpg shows%26fairsboton.jpg specials%26rebatesboton.jpg relativelinksboton.jpg
Affiliate Program
Investors / IPO
Career Opportunity
Saddlers and Craftsmen
Independent Distributor
Suppliers Opportunity
Sale By Catalogue
bussinesopportunityboton.jpg supportpiteadoartboton.jpg virtualstoreboton.jpg
Cuauhtémoc # 116 Col. Rigo Boca del Rio, Veracruz 91920 Mexico: (229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (922) 934-1819
3020 Oak St. Hollywood Fl. 33021 U.S.A (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
Web site edited and designed by: Corporacion Obregon. Obregón. Corp Copyright ©
  Accepted Use Policy
Shipping Options
Secure Shopper Guarantee and return Policy
Ways to pay your orders
Sales Tax Policy, Order Policy, Errors and Omissions

*To endorse Minimum of 15 stores telephones numbers and name of person to contact or owner of that store which you already make business (We counted on the greater data base of prospectuses by commercial zone) our mission does not look  to contact them directly to establish commercial relation but back up and to reinforce with endorsements of guarantees, reimbursements by defect, and services to the final consumer who supports the confidence of customer services that gives you strong confidence when you visit their locations. YOU ARE OUR REPRESENTATIVE, “A very important element of infantry division in the Piteado Army” in the consolidation of the confidence of "piteado” products.


Since the prices available for distributors do not accept proposals nor suggestions of CREDIT ON MERCHANDISE. Applications and requests that still believe to make true the old slogan: “make money with the money of the others” will be determining for approvals or cancellations of negotiations and commercial relation.


If you think that you describe in the requests above-mentioned and have the serious desire of progress please contact us or send us a direct email.

piteadobootsboton.gif casesboton.gif
"Jucamoba" Style
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Original Cactus Thread Two Inches Width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado Vintage
Golden and Silver Thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Gold and Silver Wire
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
piteadobeltsboton.gif sandalsboton.gif accesoriesboton.gif saddlesboton.gif chapsboton.gif cordsandropesboton.gif piteadoforladiesboton.gif bagsandsuitcasesboton.gif jeansandshirtsboton.gif hatsboton.gif leatherconditioboton.gif originalcactusfiberboton.gif artisanmaterialboton.gif leatherboton.gif
Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
The quality which our belts are made
Piteado belts Gallery Images
Cords and Ropes
Piteado For Ladies
Bags and Suitcases
Jeans and Shirts
Embroidery and Leather Cleaners
Original Cactus Thread
Artisan Material
Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
The quality which our belts are made
Piteado belts Gallery Images
Cords and Ropes
Piteado For Ladies
Bags and Suitcases
Jeans and Shirts
Embroidery and Leather Cleaners
Original Cactus Thread
Artisan Material