The articles are the protagonists in vibrant surroundings that hit the eyes, with designed shelves so
that they are possible to be renewed based on the needs of the sale campaigns. The store is alive and dynamic, with easy rotation
of articles with personal and differentiated atmospheres, that stimulate the expert client of this art to get dressed in a only and
original style.
A group identity, compacts and solid, with common and clear,
direct messages advertising to the client, transmited through means of greater impact (TV, News papers, radio, etc.) the
supplies of seasonal items with an effectiveness that is moderate in sales to the rise.
With us it has the opportunity to enter
the franchise world of the hand of a consolidated company and seriousness demonstrated throughout THREE GENERATIONS of experience
in manufacturing embroidering by hand on legitimate skins of cut bovine or exotic leathers products with originals cactus Thread,
or in his imitation line.
The conceptual and technological renovation of OBREGON CORP. has turned it into the enterprise model of
piteados product distribution among others derivatives in Mexico. The structure of OBREGON CORPORATION allows to give a fast answer
to any necessity of the franchise-holder in its daily activity. We are a company with great past, ample presence in this present and
by our organization, work and structure a great future ahead.
- Territorial Exclusive feature.
- Attendance in the election,
decoration, equipment and beginning of the franchise.
- Initial formation.
- Access and use of the know-how.
- Permanent Attendance
of the franchisor by means of periodic visits and recycling, including the management of existence and the purchases.
- Constant Update
of the product range.
- Provision of information for the establishment of sale prices to the public.
Management of stocks and clients
update every day, daily control, proposals of partial inventories to verify existence, connection via fax or e-mail thru our network
where it will be able to consult the inventory between our warehouses for interchanges or provision if it applies. And all this supplies
to the interested ones in maintaining and taking care of our registered trade mark of a simple form, without computer science complications
or extreme knowledge.
The handling and customized education in the use of points of sale in the use and scan of our codes of bars.
All together with a model of vibrant store, that hits and get the customer attraction, where the " PITEADOFINO articles" are the protagonists
The Investor Besides recovering his investment in a period of reasonable time, has the security of which the same is justified
by a solid profile of businesses verified that has demostrated to be able to create fidelity and confidence between our established
General Franchise quota: $ 50 000 USD + tax that It includes:
of mark use.
• Qualification.
• Inventory equivalent to the general quota of Franchise ($50.000 USD)
• Manuals.
• Consultant's office
and supervision of the development work store.
• Catalogue of suppliers.
• Consultant's office in beginning of operation.
• Duration
of contract from10 years.
• Contract renovation without cost (subject Renovation to the operation of the franchise).
number of required square meters of land is in one floor.
Indispensable to have 450 m2 plus the parking lot area. Installed capacity
may vary.
The number of obligatory drawers parking is according to the standardization of the corresponding local authority of your
The investment can vary following the own characteristics of the premises and the conditions of the market.
It is indispensable
full time Operating Franchiser.
It is necessary to count with a capital of work approximately to initiate operations of a 10% from
the initial investment.
According to the conditions and to criterion of our Department of Commercialization financing can be granted.
For greater information you may communicate with our Department of Commercialization at the following telephones in the City of Veracruz
Mexico: (01 229) 938-7712 to offer you the attention and explanation that you deserve.
5 % by technical attendanceand use of the mark.
• 2 % for publicity bottom.
Mex:01152+(229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (229 ) 934-1819
U.S.A. 001+ (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
Cuauhtémoc # 116 Col. Rigo Boca del Rio, Veracruz 91920 Mexico: (229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (922) 934-1819
3020 Oak St. Hollywood Fl. 33021 U.S.A (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
The "Piteadofino" Franchise was include
in the Entrepreneur Magazine in
Mexico Edition May 2011
as a profitable Business option
easy recovery
Small Business Community
Company Listed in the Export Directory
Colombian American Service Association in Miami Fl.
Coalición Líderes Latinos en Georgia
Hispanic American Center for Economic Deveopment
The "Piteadofino" Franchise was include
in the Entrepreneur Magazine in
Mexico Edition May 2012
as a profitable Business option
easy recovery