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Piteado's History
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R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
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Independent Distributor
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Mex:01152+(229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (229 ) 934-1819    
U.S.A. 001+ (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
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R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
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Piteado's History
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Informative Documents
R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
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Affiliate Program
Investors / IPO
Career Opportunity
Saddlers and Craftsmen
Independent Distributor
Suppliers Opportunity
Sale By Catalogue
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Cuauhtémoc # 116 Col. Rigo Boca del Rio, Veracruz 91920 Mexico: (229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (922) 934-1819
3020 Oak St. Hollywood Fl. 33021 U.S.A (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
Web site edited and designed by: Corporacion Obregon. Obregón. Corp Copyright ©
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"Jucamoba" Style
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Original Cactus Thread Two Inches Width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado Vintage
Golden and Silver Thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Gold and Silver Wire
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
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Until there is not another group interested in its mission to focus on caring, preserving, defending and promoting the “piteado” art from actions that affect their stay in the popular taste, without the incomes interests on production and marketing practices that might affect the present or in the future the final consumer predilection for this kind of products made from original pita.

We are unique in the world that manufacture cowboy boots with soft leather embroidered by hand with fine Pita Original, export quality

We are unique in Exporting “piteado” products to 16 countries (Since this is a classic Spanish-American common product of greater acceptance in the dress of Spanish-speaking audience and ranch-farmer-cowboy taste.)

We have the largest global coverage of such products.

In wholesale, we reserve the right to privilege our selected resellers strategically arranged in their geographic areas, our product is to the public in general but not to generate commercial conflicts of interest we can NOT sell wholesale to all local we often trade request. We are still the only ones selling these products that ensure our products and catalogs do not  are on the streets with any pseudo-seller. We respect the geographic exclusivity of our resellers which monitors are well distributed geographically. (There must be a minimum of 20 miles between business establishments that sell our products)
In highly populated metropolitan cities may apply other criterion limiting the reduction of such distance between resellers and area exclusivity.

We invest in research and development in all our processes, improve and innovate materials that improve the final quality of our products for export. We are the first to introduce new techniques in embroidery on softer skins (we are now far away from the traditional cow hard leather) that limits the production of other products needed and require today with another softly texture require for final consumer

Promote and finance research on investigations in textile research centers making the continuous thread of Pita on reels  that can be mounted on mechanized embroidery machines to push the art in the current demands of this new era, without losing the quality of the product, guarding care to the involvement of skilled labor and the environment.

We are the first to make pita embroidery on exotic skins products.

We are the first to gather resources for a foundation free from pressure or interference on participatory interest or financial gain, which provides free and unencumbered resources for the establishment of new organized groups of producers.

  With Honor and truthfulness we face and demystify bad stories accumulated over time about this fine art, we still have the ability to compete with the "piracy" of  “piteado” products  "degrading" intentionally apocryphal market with products of the same quality also but at factory priced fails to give them no room to grow to such groups of mechanized Counterfeit production. In front actions and without fear against those who would are trying to grow up with those “piteado” counterfeit products manufactures machine-made.

Recommend and advice on our business experience to our free wholesale customers for grow sales in their shops and their growth plans bear fruit, with investments in real assets. Saving times of frustration and low yields, we have the largest list of suppliers of goods on their lines of business worldwide, and many times in our visits to their stores depending on their needs we give these tools to them for free because "Piteado" historically was the first product to be installed in the Spanish-speaking shops the selling of others fashions from other tastes has been fads, piteado arte is still a product of choice in the good taste of the elegant dress in the market, and Through this current time on such market we know surrounded and meet honest business partners or good distributors around the world.

Although we are the only ones who venture into this genre with new colors, patterns and designs according moldings real fashion with the actual requirements necessary in today's market in which we live, without fear, we have the ability to constantly surprise with innovations that other traditional conservative-minded producers by their inability often see "strange."
A fundamental part of our success is constantly renewing manufacturing processes with news that keeps us in the preference and taste of our demanding customers. One goal of visiting commercial premises to prospect our products, such as attending events and exhibitions, it will also be watching the trends and preferences moving to mold our products to exceed all expectations.

A way to promote this beautiful art openly displayed on this website some models that serve as guidelines for other producers from copying them from being ordered by their own clients, we look for guidance to both, buyers know what quality claim and indirectly influence producers to improve their qualities, we points to look openly exposing the quality with which our models are made.

Permanently we have stores visitors’ staff traveling with promotions and new PITEADOS Products around the world.

We have installed in the 2012 - 2013 the PITEADO AMERICA TOUR which includes the 36 countries in the American continent including the Guyana’s and the countries of the Atlantic Islands.


Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
The quality which our belts are made
Piteado belts Gallery Images
Cords and Ropes
Piteado For Ladies
Bags and Suitcases
Jeans and Shirts
Embroidery and Leather Cleaners
Original Cactus Thread
Artisan Material
Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
The quality which our belts are made
Piteado belts Gallery Images
Cords and Ropes
Piteado For Ladies
Bags and Suitcases
Jeans and Shirts
Embroidery and Leather Cleaners
Original Cactus Thread
Artisan Material