One of our mission as a leader company trying to recover the people faithful on what really means the genuine leather handmade embroidery with cactus thread make us to take away to many myths and wrong legends around this noble art, although to cause enmity with "Charros associations" and some liars communities that have focused to keep alive those uncertain tales to the new younger generations without realize that those wrongs myths are no making any well to the root people involved around this passing from the artisan until the final customer, specially with the amount of counterfeited proliferation products made of imitations materials.
When this web site was planed was mainly concerned in help unless in reveal the unsaid true that most of us never see when a "Piteado" item is wear it on.
The wonderful of this natural fiber obtained of a vast natural resource with good renovation to preserve it (Cactus from the Achmea Magdalenae family) easy renovation on the fields that after its process is grafted on cow or any other legal skin giving a pretty silver-blinked that make the main attraction of this art where is embroidered. Bringing and given enough job opportunities to many people involve around this activity.
Mex:01152+(229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (229 ) 934-1819
U.S.A. 001+ (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
Cuauhtémoc # 116 Col. Rigo Boca del Rio, Veracruz 91920 Mexico: (229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (922) 934-1819
3020 Oak St. Hollywood Fl. 33021 U.S.A (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
The unrevealed true is explained here, that is something that we would like to give for free to our frequent customers, the people that deserve even more that the pure true, we back up some of this information with pictures videos experiences collected on the cactus harvest field, working alone with some artisans, leathers shoppers, and most of many people involved on the art of hand make cactus thread embroidered products chain, we share all this Bibliography, graphical means and video collection for free on some web. In a way to help to clean off all that insane myths and legends that maybe some time ago was helpful as a marketing manner, but today is against the fair trade of this genuine art. as a company leader in this art we care in every single step of the process in the production chain from the tree cultivate, its harvest, its handle, its process of transformation in thread, and the look for the innovation of new products that end on the shelf of malls an commercial centers watching very closed our distribution and the commerce of our products sometimes given a personal touch in the stores where our logo is showed in a personal care with our customers.