Not to give us all the association described here with the real information that can be compare to any good encyclopedia Hispanics.
There is an ingrained idea that "Charro" just the Mexican charro.
Our company was born in Mexico but in our philosophy and culture in order to lift the piteado have to regain consumer confidence with real information and true without deceit that much damage has been slowly dying the good taste for this fine craft.
Easy explained and find in any encyclopedia that: By the word "Charro" is known to the native of Salamanca Castilla and Leon Spain, then moved to Mexico, where it means horseman. It is possible that the original word and meaning of "Charro" comes from the Basque "TXAR" meaning farmer and the Basque current is also used to denote something "bad or defective. Related and / or motifs derived from military epaulettes gala known as the typical dress of the men of Salamanca is the Charro suit. In some Spanish-speaking countries, mistakenly called "charro" also andalusia mariachi. In fact, the latter is more representative of the musician while the Mexican charro is a traditional horseman.
The Charro is an icon of the mexican charreria and practice that is considered the national sport in Mexico, but the football and other activities are now much more popular than this one.
Is the typical man on horseback "huaso such as Chile, the Venezuelan plains, or the Argentine and Uruguayan gaucho, or the Peruvian Chalán. The Mexican charro" is said to be different from the above and may be true but the tradition and its origin is not born on Aztec soil where it is well known that the horse was an animal brought to America by the Spaniards.
In the film, the charro has been recurring theme as the "cow-boy." Some of the film charros were: Pedro Infante, Luis Aguilar, Tito Guizar, among others.
Jorge Negrete is for many in the midst of the best representative of charreria Charro Mexican cinema.
Another charro show remarkable for its brilliant horse shows was Antonio Aguilar. The "Charro songbook" of Mexican cinema and dancer is not as fictional as his critics claim, since before the era of mass media, rural people are entertained by music and dancing, this is the source of folklore.
In Mexico, the culture of the party and together, they made the character a happy charro, a braggart and a body so completely unlike the social American cowboy.
Many women in Latin America still produces sighs the gaucho, the charro Rejón or perhaps that the collective unconscious represent virility.
Due to the harshness of their practice, these characters are also related to the male, this is more of a bias related to the "typical latino macho man," but the burden of machismo is not exclusive to Latin American women horse riders, or of a particular culture.
Even though Mexico is characterized by its rich and varied folk, the image of the Mexican Charro identified because their use has been limited to one region as it represents the same mix that is considered the base of the Mexican identity.  
Emiliano Zapata with charro attire
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Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
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Classical Piteado
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Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
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Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
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