The Cactus Yarn does not burn?


Mexican Charro only?


What is the fate Charra?


Piteado’s global Capital?


How is processed and

Prepared the Cactus Thread?


Appreciation and Thanks


Where it is obtained

 And what is "Pita"?


Counterfeit on original

Cactus Thread Products


How and why there is a growing

Counterfeit crime in Latin-American?


Which led to promote and buy

Counterfeit of Original Products?


How long takes embroidered

some articles?


Piteados works only

used on Rodeo Activities?


When appear in Mexico, the first signs of use of pita

or cactus Fiber use obtained from Maguey Tree?


Are There actually embroiders in

Gold and Silver Thread genuine?


The use of ”Piteado" articles has something to do

 whit Drug Dealers or Mafia People?


Why our original products with good quality

are affordable to the general public?


How to distinguish and differentiate an original work from

embroidery with imitation materials or fake cactus thread?


The miracle of our Guadalupe lady showed up

in a cactus fiber material Blanket

Is Piteadofino/Obregon Corp. a money laundry

or illegally lend-given-name company?


Do we sell to anybody?


Why we are a leader company on this kind of “Piteado” art?


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make Business with our “Piteado” products


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Piteado's Artcraft Embroidery Future


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The commercial “piteado” products

pioneers history in the U.S. 


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Learn More about our Western Saddle


The quality which our belts are made


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How and why is growing the counterfeit crime in Latin america ? 
The Piracy-counterfeit and the sale of cheap goods cloned from the original works in a similar way as if several criminals enter your house at gunpoint and take your belongings, now imagine that I would buy these bandits all your stuff at half price. As I believe I'm doing a big business, I order more. They are strengthened by my money, supply of new weapons and return your home again to assault you far more cruelty and violence. I support them re-purchase everything. Over time they become a powerful criminal organization that might point treacherously towards my back no matter what I bought them at the beginning of the goods that were stolen each time from you make them a more violent criminal group. That's EXACTLY what you do when buying apocryphal or counterfeit material, saying that the item is yours because you paid? The fact that it was bought by a thief stealing a product that we are NOT the owner of that product, ( Try to buy a car that you know was stolen, maybe you'll enjoy for a while but sooner or later justice will reach and even if you prove that you paid for the vehicle you will own not money and nothing good was lost in the bad) Who for example: buy a music CD from an artist who says admires, declared enemy of the artist and becomes an accomplice of those who are destroying it. The amount that is paid by one of our original products is split between the artisan and embroiderer whose we are explained the time it takes a genuine embroidery, designers, suppliers of paints, leather, farmers who plant and harvest processing threads pita , manufactures, additives, adhesives, solvents, with all their workers like producers teams, saddlers, tanners, carriers, administrators, vendors, distributors. Many people are honored to earn their piece of the pie with the sale of our products which we seek to arrive at their shops at a fair price, we do not would make ourselves millionaires we just want to keep going on the existing capitalist system if our products are sold well.

Latino Classics governments in their corruption circle warm and make possibly corrupt conduct operational surface punishing sellers, but sometimes they do not have the courage or the ral intention of eliminating the ringleaders or factories. People becoming a millionaire hidden under influences and sophisticated, clandestine industries, and always have contact with a lot of humble emerging businesses in need that believe that theirs earnings will increase, then reaches people buying such imitation products made similar imitation with machine embroidered sometimes misled and believing are buying a truly original product. There is much ignorance in this process that benefits a few abusive and blasting to a whole society, not promote, do not sell or buy material from imitation or piracy. Reject it. Report it. Destroy it, make business with criminals do not paid, to whom promote this vicious cycle. Support with their purchases to the honest people alone and met the circle of honest and successful business. Strengthens the real artisan, or person which develop our crafts, strengthens all other honest businesses and industries linked to the development of our products, strengthens the shops and businesses deserve to have the products you use genuine legitimate generating sales, strengthen organizations altruistic, strengthens and magnifies the men, women and families who leave the soul to work and doing the right thing. Your support is essential as a merchant set to sink or lift to others, can strengthen the corrupt with your hard earned money, you can enlarge the traitors hiding counterfeiters, can exalt, celebrates the silly jokes, applause their actions, words is a encouragement that also provide support, pay attention to that part of the land sown to fruition Money Truth in Prosperity pay attention to who gives it and who removes it.
Which led to promote and Buy counterfeit of original Products?


How to distinguish and differentiate an original work from an embroidery with imitation material or fake cactus thread?
Detailed view of an imitation product
Piteado's History
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Piteado's History
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R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
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Investors / IPO
Career Opportunity
Saddlers and Craftsmen
Independent Distributor
Suppliers Opportunity
Sale By Catalogue
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Mex:01152+(229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (229 ) 934-1819    
U.S.A. 001+ (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
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R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
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Piteado's History
Frecuent Ask Questions
Informative Documents
R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
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Affiliate Program
Investors / IPO
Career Opportunity
Saddlers and Craftsmen
Independent Distributor
Suppliers Opportunity
Sale By Catalogue
bussinesopportunityboton.jpg supportpiteadoartboton.jpg virtualstoreboton.jpg
Cuauhtémoc # 116 Col. Rigo Boca del Rio, Veracruz 91920 Mexico: (229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (922) 934-1819
3020 Oak St. Hollywood Fl. 33021 U.S.A (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
Web site edited and designed by: Corporacion Obregon. Obregón. Corp Copyright ©
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Sales Tax Policy, Order Policy, Errors and Omissions

The “Piteado” products are no well resalable?


Informative Documents


"Piteado" Art Made in Veracruz Mexico





Send us your questions

piteadobootsboton.gif casesboton.gif
"Jucamoba" Style
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Original Cactus Thread Two Inches Width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado Vintage
Golden and Silver Thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Gold and Silver Wire
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
piteadobeltsboton.gif sandalsboton.gif accesoriesboton.gif saddlesboton.gif chapsboton.gif cordsandropesboton.gif piteadoforladiesboton.gif bagsandsuitcasesboton.gif jeansandshirtsboton.gif hatsboton.gif leatherconditioboton.gif originalcactusfiberboton.gif artisanmaterialboton.gif leatherboton.gif
Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
The quality which our belts are made
Piteado belts Gallery Images
Cords and Ropes
Piteado For Ladies
Bags and Suitcases
Jeans and Shirts
Embroidery and Leather Cleaners
Original Cactus Thread
Artisan Material
Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
The quality which our belts are made
Piteado belts Gallery Images
Cords and Ropes
Piteado For Ladies
Bags and Suitcases
Jeans and Shirts
Embroidery and Leather Cleaners
Original Cactus Thread
Artisan Material