Some new discoveries that science has done in the cloak of the Virgin of Guadalupe are amazing no matter which religion is practiced is important to know a little more of this miracle alive:

1)-Ophthalmologic studies conducted in the eyes of the image of the Virgin Mary have been detected. To bring light to the retina and is contracted to remove the light turns to dilate, just as in a living eye.

2)-The temperature of that Maguey fiber which the "Cloak" were constructed maintains a constant temperature of 36.6 degrees centigrade, the same temperature as the body of a living person.

3) One of the scientists who analyzed the cloak put his stethoscope under the tape that Maria has (a sign that she is in pregnancy) and listening to beats that are repeated rhythmically to 115 beats per minute, like a baby in the womb .

4) - It has not been discovered any trace of paint on canvas. In fact at a distance of 10 centimeters of the image it is only web Maguey Raw:
The colors disappear. Scientific studies fail to detect the origin of the manner in which the image was made or how it was painted. There are no detectable traces of brush strokes or other known technique. NASA scientists said that the material originates colors not made any of the known elements on earth.
12) - Guadalupe in the indigenous language Nahuatl means crushes the serpent's head. (Genesis 3:15; Maria, winner of the evil)

13)-The image is a miraculous engraving painting such as it is described in Revelation

14) appeared in the sky a large sign, a woman wrapped in the sun with the moon under her feet
7) - In the year 1791 turns "accidentally" muriatic acid on the top right side of the cloth. Over a period of 30 days without any treatment was miraculously reconstitute the damaged tissue.
8) - The stars visible in the mantle of Mary reflect the exact configuration and position of the sky of Mexico presented the day when the miracle occurred.

9) - At the beginning of the twentieth century, a Protestant bigot hiding an explosive between the floral arrangements, which formerly stood at the foot of the cloak discovered that showed that today's glass covers in the old basilica, the explosion destroys everything around minus the cloak, which remained in perfect condition.
5) - has been passing a laser beam on the side over the Cloak surface, founded that the color of it is either the front or the back, but the colors that float at a distance of three tenths of a millimeter of the tissue without touching it. The colors are floating in the air over the surface of the cloak.

6) That kind of MAGUEY FIBER that constitutes the fabric of the type of image processing that was used as crude then without all the things which we today for the preservation of plant fibers, could last no more between 20-30 years, without showing signs of decay. For several centuries in recent times to this miraculous incident, clerics and scholars of the time trying to distort the appearance of the Virgin Mary Mother of Jesus in America painted a replica of the same image on a canvas without similar MAGUEY FIBER processed and raw, which disintegrated after several decades. Meanwhile, nearly 500 years of the miracle, the image of Mary is as strong as the first day on display in the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City. Science does not explain the origin nor the cause of the incorruptibility of the fabric made from such cloak is very MAGUEY FIBER then used by the Mexican indigenous.
10) - Science discovered that the eyes of Mary have three effects of refraction of the image of a human eye.

11) .- In the eyes of Mary (only 7 to 8 mm. Size in diameter) were discovered tiny human images, which no artist could paint with such precision at this time.

There are two scenes and both are repeated in both eyes.
The image of the bishop in the eyes of Zumárraga Maria was enlarged by digital technology, revealing that in his eyes that portrayed the image of the Indian Juan Diego opened his croak front to the Bishop. The size of this picture? A quarter of a millionth of a millimeter.
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The Cactus Yarn does not burn?


Mexican Charro only?


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How is processed and

Prepared the Cactus Thread?


Appreciation and Thanks


Where it is obtained

 And what is "Pita"?


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How long takes embroidered

some articles?


Piteados works only

used on Rodeo Activities?


When appear in Mexico, the first signs of use of pita

or cactus Fiber use obtained from Maguey Tree?


Are There actually embroiders in

Gold and Silver Thread genuine?


The use of ”Piteado" articles has something to do

 whit Drug Dealers or Mafia People?


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How to distinguish and differentiate an original work from

embroidery with imitation materials or fake cactus thread?


The miracle of our Guadalupe lady showed up

in a cactus fiber material Blanket

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"Jucamoba" Style
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Golden and Silver Thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Gold and Silver Wire
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All the Obregon Corporation contributors fund eloquent that a derivation of maguey fiber type used for the manufacture of our products is the same noble original material with the development of a divinely chosen article to show to the world a miracle same as described. We consider it important to share it NO as a classic item or business mean taking advantage of the people faith that is used in some soap operas stories or commercial products to increase ratings and sales using this sacred image.

(PITEADOFINO / OBREGON CORPORATION) feels blessed and with the obligation to disclose this information in the relationship with the Hispanic history maguey fiber. In some places also called PITA
15) - The tape has a blank in the stomach that means she is in “cinta" in the jargon of the Spanish language Mexican wanted to say "Pregnant" To suggest that God wanted Jesus was born in America in the heart of every American
Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
Custom Design
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The quality which our belts are made
Piteado belts Gallery Images
Cords and Ropes
Piteado For Ladies
Bags and Suitcases
Jeans and Shirts
Embroidery and Leather Cleaners
Original Cactus Thread
Artisan Material
Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
Custom Design
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The quality which our belts are made
Piteado belts Gallery Images
Cords and Ropes
Piteado For Ladies
Bags and Suitcases
Jeans and Shirts
Embroidery and Leather Cleaners
Original Cactus Thread
Artisan Material